What else could you possibly want? Well, maybe beer and beautiful women, but we have them, too! Pay attention!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
'My Generation'
Via Kurt Loder, on Twitter:
California's Amazon Tax Driving Business — and People — Out of State
Amazon sent a follow-up email last night confirming that they'd terminated the associates program effective immediately. The number of affiliate retailers is being placed at 25,000 and the effect of Governor Brown's budget is simply to kill business. And it's another reason for some to flee the state. See Fortune, "Will California's 'Amazon tax' cause an affiliate exodus?" And at Cato, "California Wants Amazon to Tax Californians." The article cites the Los Angeles Times, and notes:
There's a disgruntled former affiliate, at Fox News, "An Open Letter to Jeff Bezos On Terminating the Amazon Affiliate Program In California." It's interesting but unpersuasive. Taxes disrupt markets, and while affiliates are getting burned, it's not good business policy to be magnanimous. Competition is fierce. Tax systems vary by state and the U.S. Supreme Court has said out-of-state companies cannot be taxed without actual physical presence at the point of sale. This is not to discount the fairness issue, or arguments that Amazon market share enables it compete in sales tax markets. It's more than California is simply hostile to business. I've noted a couple of times recently how companies and individuals are fleeing the state. Jan Norman's "Small Business" column at the Orange County Register reports frequently on the uncompetitive marketplace for California firms. (See, for example, "O.C. manufacturer to move, create 270 jobs in D.C.") And she has this on Amazon's decision, "How do Amazon affiliates lose out?":
EXTRA: At Sundries Shack, "Clearing the Browser Tabs – Why Does California Hurt Its People Thursday Edition."
The natural result of California doing yet more to make the state uninhabitable for business comes at the end of the story. Californians who earned and spent money in California as part of the Internet remote sales ecosystem plan to move elsewhere:See also, Robert Stacy McCain, "Amazon Goes Galt, Cuts Off California to Avoid Internet Tax in Zimbabwe, U.S.A."One affiliate, Ken Rockwell of San Diego, the owner of a 12-year-old photography website, said he planned to move out of state. “Will it be Las Vegas or Scottsdale or Ensenada?” he said. “It’s a question of where, not if.”
There's a disgruntled former affiliate, at Fox News, "An Open Letter to Jeff Bezos On Terminating the Amazon Affiliate Program In California." It's interesting but unpersuasive. Taxes disrupt markets, and while affiliates are getting burned, it's not good business policy to be magnanimous. Competition is fierce. Tax systems vary by state and the U.S. Supreme Court has said out-of-state companies cannot be taxed without actual physical presence at the point of sale. This is not to discount the fairness issue, or arguments that Amazon market share enables it compete in sales tax markets. It's more than California is simply hostile to business. I've noted a couple of times recently how companies and individuals are fleeing the state. Jan Norman's "Small Business" column at the Orange County Register reports frequently on the uncompetitive marketplace for California firms. (See, for example, "O.C. manufacturer to move, create 270 jobs in D.C.") And she has this on Amazon's decision, "How do Amazon affiliates lose out?":
If the online retailer has a physical presence in California — such as Walmart or Target, which have been supporters of the new law — it must charge California sales tax from California buyers.RELATED: At Instapundit, "THEY REALLY DO SELL EVERYTHING AT AMAZON."
But many of these online retailers have no physical presence (stores, warehouses, headquarters etc.) in California. And they have not been collecting California sales tax.
Understand that retailers don’t pay sales tax. They collect it for the state or local government entity.
Brick and mortar retailers say they are at a big price disadvantage because they have to collect sales tax (as much as 10% in California right now) that online retailers don’t.
However, in 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a state could only require retailers with some physical presence (stores, warehouses etc.) within the state’s borders to collect the sales tax.
So a California firm that only sells online must collect sales tax for California but not for the other 44 states that charge sales tax (5 states don’t charge sales tax). But an online retailer in Oregon, which has no sales tax, doesn’t have to add sales tax to any of its sales.
States have been trying to figure a way around that Supreme Court ruling ever since.
EXTRA: At Sundries Shack, "Clearing the Browser Tabs – Why Does California Hurt Its People Thursday Edition."
Ice-T's Wife Coco Shoves Her Ass Right In Your Face For "Thong Thursday"
One of these days it'll all turn to cottage cheese, but until then enjoy this magnificence for what it is - a rock-hard hunk of ass attached to a tiny waist and big fake titties. Bang!
Dr. Helen Smith — 'On Fire but Blacked Out: The Thomas Ball Story'
At Pajamas Media:
As one of my commenters pointed out in a post I put up on the case, when a woman burns her husband to death in his sleep, it’s seen as a major wake-up call regarding violence against women, and is immortalized in an award-winning movie starring Farah Fawcett titled The Burning Bed.RTWT (via Dr. Helen on Bloggger). And then compare to Rob Taylor at Red State, "The Death of Morality and the End of America." Red State? Some people writing on the right are really on the left, although they they think they're more right than the conservative right. But to be honest, the dude's not right in the head. Seriously. Psychologically FUBAR, IMHO.
But somehow, when a man like Thomas Ball burns himself up, it is not seen as a wake-up call for how men are treated unjustly by the court system. Instead, some “compassionate souls” see his death as yet another wake-up call regarding the needs of women. Do men ever matter to these “feminists,” or do they get pleasure out of men’s pain? I am thinking the latter.
IDF Spokeswoman Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich on Securing Defensible Borders
A great clip from the IDF news desk:
Mark Halperin Calls Obama a Dick
The network's statement: "MSNBC suspends Mark Halperin for Obama comments." And lots of comments at Memeorandum. See Steve Benen's hilarious resonse, for example, "Mark Halperin and the Quote of the Day."
Althouse has questions: "Mark Halperin called Obama "a dick" and now he says "I can’t explain why I did it." Added: At The Other McCain, "Mark Halperin Apologizes for Being Right."
In candor, I don’t much care that Halperin sides with the right over the left, and takes cheap shots at Democrats. I care that Halperin is presented to the public as a neutral, even-handed expert, when that’s plainly not the case.Benen's an idiot (but you knew that). We don't have an objective press anymore. Some journalists aspire to the pre-Cronkite model of media impartiality, but newspaper and electronic media neutrality went out the window a while ago. And here's Tim Graham on Twitter:
I'm sure oh-so-responsible MSNBC kept every host and correspondent from saying "teabagger," right?...No? A package double standard?Exactly. Rachel Maddow's done entire segments defending her use of the sexualized slur. This is where we are today. And suspending Haperin? Just wow.
Althouse has questions: "Mark Halperin called Obama "a dick" and now he says "I can’t explain why I did it." Added: At The Other McCain, "Mark Halperin Apologizes for Being Right."
Joe Scarborough: Mark Halperin, What was the president’s strategy? We are coming up on a deadline and the president decided to please his base, push back against the Republicans.I guess the question is, we know a deal has to be done. Is this showmanship? A lot of times you go up there and both sides and they act tough so their base will be appeased, then they quietly work the deal behind the scenes.
Mark Halperin: Are we on the seven second delay?
Mika Brzezinski: Lordy.
Halperin: I wanted to characterize how the president behaved.
Scarborough: We have it. We can use it. Go for it. Let’s see what happens.
Brzezinski: We’re behind you, you fall down and we catch you.
Halperin: I thought he was a dick yesterday.
Scarborough: Delay that. delay that. what are you doing? I can’t believe — I was joking. Don’t do that. Did we delay that?
Halperin: I said it. I hope it worked.
Stunning Gwyneth Paltrow Photoshoot in New Vanity Fair
She looks great.
At London's Daily Mail, "Lovely jewellery, Gwyneth! Actress shows the results of her healthy lifestyle in topless photoshoot."
Check Vanity Fair as well. Paltrow's feature isn't up yet, but there's some other interesting stuff to check out.
Plus, Rule 5 weekend starts later tonight, so check back
At London's Daily Mail, "Lovely jewellery, Gwyneth! Actress shows the results of her healthy lifestyle in topless photoshoot."
Check Vanity Fair as well. Paltrow's feature isn't up yet, but there's some other interesting stuff to check out.
Plus, Rule 5 weekend starts later tonight, so check back
Time For Some Faceplanting Fun
One question: Why don't all of these psychos wear facemasks? Put on a friggin' football helmet you jackwagons. Pay attention!
Ninja Dog Has Mad Skills
Think a cat would be able to figure this shit out? No freakin' way. Now I understand that the one thing cats do well is climb, but no pussy is gonna figure out how to use that post for leverage. Not on your life. Only dogs can be ninjas.
New England Just Keeps Winning Titles - Connecticut Native Javier Colon Wins "The Voice"
Keep hatin' on us America, but this is how we roll. You got a title? You got a championship? We'll take that sucker, thank you very much. Playas play....
Check Out This Badass Redneck Lawnmower
Must. Have. Immediately.
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Melissa Satta Rockin' Her Amazing Bikini Body In Italy
World class right here, folks. World class....
Melanie Phillips on the Gaza Flotilla
She's making a nice transition to blogging at her home page. See, "The Flotilla and the Third Intifada" (via Blazing Cat Fur).
John Lennon a Republican?
Well, if true, I might be able to enjoy The Beatles again (or enjoy them more, since I won't be so reminded of Lennon's stupid political idealism, and I love George Harrison no matter what).
At the Toronto Sun, "Lennon was a closet Republican: Assistant."
At the Toronto Sun, "Lennon was a closet Republican: Assistant."
And worth a look: Daniel Foster, at National Review, "Fool Comes Down from Hill." (At Memeorandum.)
New Tracy Morgan Comedy Rant Slurs Mentally Disabled
I didn't think he was all that funny back in the day, when he was on SNL. He came under fire for homophobic rants previously, and even after apologizing, is at it again. At Los Angeles Times, "Tracy Morgan apologizes, then tries out a different offensive rant":
Also at TMZ, "Tracy Morgan ... From Gays to 'Retards'."
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Summertime in Temecula!
The Pechanga Resort's less than a mile from some of our best friend's house, in Temecula.
And no worries, Dana! I still have the beard!
And no worries, Dana! I still have the beard!
More blogging late tonight or early tomorrow!
Thanks for reading!
Budget Cuts Hammer University of California Star Faculty Retention
I thought about this recently, having traveled to UCLA for both the Noam Chomsky and David Horowitz events, not to mention my coverage of Students for Justice in Palestine.
The Westwood campus is awesome. Too much construction, but it's a great feeling being on a research campus again. It feels so promising. And I was a little surprised at the vitality, since there's been so much talk of decline at the UC system. Anyway, certainly things aren't going as well as state leaders would like, and that's keeping in mind that UC is more insulated from budget crises than both Cal State and the community colleges. But this report at Los Angeles Times shows a real drag on maintaining quality and prestige. See: "UC fears talent loss to deeper pockets: The departure of three star scientists from UC San Diego has officials worried about a possible brain drain tied to budget cuts."
Read the whole thing at the link. I found fascinating the salaries of the three UCSD scholars lured away to Rice Univerity:
The Westwood campus is awesome. Too much construction, but it's a great feeling being on a research campus again. It feels so promising. And I was a little surprised at the vitality, since there's been so much talk of decline at the UC system. Anyway, certainly things aren't going as well as state leaders would like, and that's keeping in mind that UC is more insulated from budget crises than both Cal State and the community colleges. But this report at Los Angeles Times shows a real drag on maintaining quality and prestige. See: "UC fears talent loss to deeper pockets: The departure of three star scientists from UC San Diego has officials worried about a possible brain drain tied to budget cuts."
Read the whole thing at the link. I found fascinating the salaries of the three UCSD scholars lured away to Rice Univerity:
[Jose] Onuchic, who is co-director of UC San Diego's Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, said he was drawn to Rice mainly for the research funds and new building, along with the chance to work with cancer experts in Houston. "The opportunities were spectacular," said Onuchic, whose research focuses on protein movement and chemical reactions in gene networks. His UC salary, including summer grants, is $265,000; he and his colleagues said Rice would give them 40% increases.These are accomplished scholars, and well-compensated. And it's no surprise that they'd be able to make much more money elsewhere. There's a market for top academics. And public universities struggle to stay competitive in tough economic times.
The three scientists are expected to take with them much of their National Science Foundation grant, which has paid $6.6 million since 2008 and is expected to provide several million more over the next two years. At Rice, their funding will also include a $10-million grant from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas, created with a $3-billion state bond issue approved by voters in 2007.
[Herbert] Levine, 55, who has been at UC San Diego for 25 years and earns $187,000 a year, said Rice's new and larger lab space and extra administrative support was too good to turn down. Another factor is that Rice, which has a fifth of UC San Diego's 27,417 students, is much less bureaucratic, he added.
[Peter] Wolynes, 58, is a 10-year veteran of UC San Diego and earns $330,000 a year. Moving together keeps the team intact — it's a "Three Musketeers situation," he said — and the Texas cancer money will mean less hustling for grants. He still greatly admires UC, he said, but believes its "period of expansion" may be over.
Amazon Ends Affiliate Program in California
I got the email earlier, "Notice of Contract Termination Due to Potential New California Law."
See San Francisco Business Times, "Amazon threatens to drop California associates" (via Instapundit):
At Sacramento Bee, "Brown signs tax bill; Amazon tells California affiliates it will drop them":
And from Amazon's email:
Great job Democrats!
Added: Astute Bloggers links. Thanks!
See San Francisco Business Times, "Amazon threatens to drop California associates" (via Instapundit):
Last night, California Democrats reached an agreement with Gov. Jerry Brown on a proposed state budget that, among other things, would force online retailers like Amazon.com and Overstock.com to collect sales tax in California.And it's a done deal.
Already, Amazon has made its objections clear, threatening to drop the thousands of "Amazon Associates" in California who make money by referring web users to Amazon.com to buy goods.
Pitting the wealthiest and most populous state in the union against the premier online retailing conglomerate, this is a battle of two amazons — Goliath vs. Goliath, if you will.
But caught in between are thousands of bloggers, marketers and publishers who make money through Amazon's affiliate program, called Amazon Associates. Basically, if a blogger links to Amazon products on a post and a reader ends up buying something through that link, then the blogger gets a percentage of the sale for making the "referral." Small retailers and marketers also use the Associates program.
All these people are at risk of being cut off from this revenue source should the California budget pass on Tuesday.
At Sacramento Bee, "Brown signs tax bill; Amazon tells California affiliates it will drop them":
Amazon.com today said it will sever ties with some 10,000 affiliates in California to protest the Internet sales-tax law signed by Gov. Jerry Brown Wednesday.Also at Los Angeles Times, "Amazon.com to start collecting sales taxes from California customers."
The big online retailer has been threatening to cut those ties since February. In emails today to its California affiliates, Amazon called the bill "unconstitutional and counterproductive. " The bill is part of the budget package passed by the Legislature.
The affiliates are businesses and nonprofits that have Amazon links on their websites. When someone clicks through that link and buys something from Amazon, the affiliate gets a fee.
Under the bill, Amazon will have to collect sales tax on all sales to Californians.
And from Amazon's email:
For well over a decade, the Amazon Associates Program has worked with thousands of California residents. Unfortunately, a potential new law that may be signed by Governor Brown compels us to terminate this program for California-based participants. It specifically imposes the collection of taxes from consumers on sales by online retailers - including but not limited to those referred by California-based marketing affiliates like you - even if those retailers have no physical presence in the state.
We oppose this bill because it is unconstitutional and counterproductive. It is supported by big-box retailers, most of which are based outside California, that seek to harm the affiliate advertising programs of their competitors. Similar legislation in other states has led to job and income losses, and little, if any, new tax revenue. We deeply regret that we must take this action.
As a result, we will terminate contracts with all California residents that are participants in the Amazon Associates Program as of the date (if any) that the California law becomes effective. We will send a follow-up notice to you confirming the termination date if the California law is enacted. In the event that the California law does not become effective before September 30, 2011, we withdraw this notice. As of the termination date, California residents will no longer receive advertising fees for sales referred to Amazon.com, Endless.com, MYHABIT.COM or SmallParts.com. Please be assured that all qualifying advertising fees earned on or before the termination date will be processed and paid in full in accordance with the regular payment schedule.
Great job Democrats!
Added: Astute Bloggers links. Thanks!
VIDEO: President Obama News Conference Addresses Debt Ceiling and Taxes
At Los Angeles Times, "Obama challenges GOP on tax breaks at press conference." And at USA Today, "Obama challenges Congress on taxes, debt limit":
WASHINGTON — President Obama warned Wednesday about "unpredictable" cuts in federal programs if Congress fails to raise the nation's $14.3 trillion debt limit by Aug. 2. He challenged lawmakers to "do their job."See also, National Journal, "Obama: It's Kids Versus Corporate Jets on Debt-Ceiling Talks," and New York Times, "Obama: Republican Leaders Must Bend on Taxes" (via Memeorandum).
In a news conference notable for its defiant tone, Obama defended both his leadership on the issue and his insistence that tax increases be included among the trillions of dollars all sides want to cut from future deficits while raising the debt ceiling.
The Republican leaders' position that as much as $4 trillion should be cut from spending alone, without any tax changes for the wealthy or profitable companies, isn't "sustainable" in bipartisan talks, Obama said.
"This is a jobs issue. This is not an abstraction," he said of the Aug. 2 deadline, which the Treasury Department has said could change by a few days. "The consequences for the U.S. economy will be significant and unpredictable. We don't know how capital markets will react."
WTF-Type Ninja Shit

Send these fuckers over to Afghanistan immediately. War over.
Violent Austerity Protests in Greece
The Los Angeles Times has an excellent slideshow, "Protesters clash with riot police in Athens strike." Also: "Greece OKs austerity bill as protests rage."
The scene's extremely violent, and the most menacing images are of those protesters clad in black, apparently identifying or affiliating with the Black Bloc anarchist movement. See Paul Mason, at BBC, "Greece: what’s burning is consent."
The scene's extremely violent, and the most menacing images are of those protesters clad in black, apparently identifying or affiliating with the Black Bloc anarchist movement. See Paul Mason, at BBC, "Greece: what’s burning is consent."
Video Tribute Of The Stanley Cup Championship Game
Thanks to the NHL Network. Once again, well done boys...
Teacher Evaluation System Examines Classroom Performance
I'm all for increasing performance, but most of the time it's not the fault of the teachers if students aren't learning. The culture's totally FUBAR, as I've written here many times. That said, I'm not against the classroom observations, as discussed at the article. It depends though: Who are the evaluators? If it's a bunch of progressive educators marinated in failed methodologies of reform (I don't do "group work", for example), will teachers get a fair shake? A lot of these evaluation systems seem punitive. Still, it's a complicated issue, for while I'd probably stand with the unions against flawed evaluations, I'd oppose them on fiscal reforms and teacher pay and benefits. Anyway, at least the fear factor pushes teachers to excel in the classroom.
At New York Times, "Teacher Grades: Pass or Be Fired":
At New York Times, "Teacher Grades: Pass or Be Fired":
The evaluation system leans heavily on student test scores to judge about 500 math and reading teachers in grades four to eight. Ratings for the rest of the city’s 3,600 teachers are determined mostly by five classroom observations annually, three by their principal and two by so-called master educators, most recruited from outside Washington.Ouch! That is harsh!
For classroom observations, nine criteria — “explain content clearly,” “maximize instructional time” and “check for student understanding,” for example — are used to rate the lesson as highly effective, effective, minimally effective or ineffective.
These five observations combine to form 75 percent of these teachers’ overall ratings; the rest is based on achievement data and the teachers’ commitment to their school communities. Ineffective teachers face dismissal. Minimally effective ones get a year to improve.
Go Fly A Kite
Lame-ass-pussy-wuss-kite-flying-wimpass-weak-shit-no-balls-douche-bag. Bang. Done
The Billions Behind 'Cultures of Resistance' Filmmaker
An excellent essay from Dave Swindle, at FrontPage Magazine, "The Flotilla Jihadists’ Artsy Propagandist and Her Billionaire Husband." And propaganda it is. A sample: And she's affiliated with this premiere group of communists and anti-Semites:
White House Party Crasher And Real Housewife Of D.C. Michaele Salahi Is A Mess
This chick is just batshit crazy. Fame whore to the hilt. Now she's tryin' to be a singer, releasing the piece-of-shit tune you can see below. Please leave my planet now, skankitty. Pay attention!
Meet The Breast Milk Spraying Chick
Got milk? Everyone was talking about this chick yesterday so here she is. Looks pretty normal. Just must be one of those chicks who can't hold her booze. Like if she wasn't squirtin' her titty juice everywhere she'd probably be stripping on top of a table or blowing five guys behind the reception hall. Come to think of it, call me.
Kate Upton's Boobs Bouncin' Everywhere In Bikinis
Man, I could watch those puppies jiggle all day. Thanks for the mammaries. Best rack in the business these days by far. The backyard is nothin' to sneeze at either. Chick is absolute straight fire. Here she is with nothing on but a little body paint:
UFO's Over London?
So is this shit real or not? I dunno, to me it just looks like some kinda balloon or somethin'. I'm just not gettin' it. I always figured if the aliens came here they'd let us know who they were. Like if we sent a spaceship to some other planet, would we just try and sneak around and be all secret about it? Hell no. The first thing we did when we got to the moon was plant an American flag in its ass. Nope, these aliens wouldn't be sneakin' around all over our planet for all these years. They'd plant their own flag and tell us they were here to dominate the shit out of us. It's fake. Pay attention!
Israel's Settlements Are Not the Problem
An awesome essay at the July/August Foreign Affairs, by Elliott Abrams, "The Settlement Obsession: Both Israel and the United States Miss the Obstacles to Peace." It's a review essay, in fact. Abrams covers Occupation of the Territories: Israeli Soldiers' Testimonies 2000-2010, a collection of interviews from Breaking the Silence, available online. And also Gadi Taub's, The Settlers: And the Struggle over the Meaning of Zionism, at Amazon.com.
I read Abrams' review in hard copy on the road out to Pechanga, and I'd envisioned writing some big analysis with lots of block quotes, etc. But I'm not in the mood now. Mostly, it's a piece of scholarship and it requires shifting back into a more neutral, analytical frame of mind while reading. It's tempting to look at any analysis of the Middle East through current events, such as the Gaza flotilla. But Abrams avoids that, which is impressive, since Occupation of the Territories is about Jew-bashing propaganda more than close empirical and historical analysis. Indeed, Abrams notes:
As for The Settlers, Abrams' review of that book forms the bulk of the essay, and there's a key thesis that emerges: The future of Israel will play out over the issues of religion and secularism. The Jewish state as originally established was based on sovereign territory as a secure safe haven for any Jew anywhere in the world. Israel was to be a secular democracy with a Jewish majority. It wasn't until 1967, and the beginning of the occupation, whereby the most dramatic assertions of religious Zionism emerged. This might sound strange for those most informed by the blogosphere, but the Taub book sounds like a magisterial accomplishment. I learned a lot just from Abrams' overview. The entire work is no doubt a keeper. In any case, some of Abrams' conclusions indicate that religious Zionism --- which is only a small part of settler activity in the West Bank --- is unsustainable over the long term. Here's an interesting quote, which again, goes against what partisans normally argue:
I read Abrams' review in hard copy on the road out to Pechanga, and I'd envisioned writing some big analysis with lots of block quotes, etc. But I'm not in the mood now. Mostly, it's a piece of scholarship and it requires shifting back into a more neutral, analytical frame of mind while reading. It's tempting to look at any analysis of the Middle East through current events, such as the Gaza flotilla. But Abrams avoids that, which is impressive, since Occupation of the Territories is about Jew-bashing propaganda more than close empirical and historical analysis. Indeed, Abrams notes:
Some of the testimonies are deeply affecting, and there is no doubt that occupation duty brings out the worst in some soldiers: violence, bullying, vandalism, and theft. Official accounts of the U.S. occupation of Germany after World War II, for example, make clear that there is no such thing as an immaculate occupation. But in this book, Breaking the Silence appears less interested in the current impact of the settlements and the backdrop to the IDF's actions in the West Bank than in advancing particular ideological and political points. For one thing, why produce a volume in 2010 that has so many testimonies about Gaza, from which all Israeli forces withdrew in the summer of 2005? Why include so many interviews from 2000-2002, the years when the second intifada was at its height, rather than interviews from more recent years? In the section on the methods the IDF uses to prevent terrorism, for example, there are 67 interviews, but only five are from 2008 or later; similarly, a section on how the IDF carries out a "policy of control, dispossession, and annexation of territory" contains 44 interviews, of which just six are from 2007 or later.That sounds like blogging rather than research, but Abrams gives the work a fair shake.
A logical inference from this data would be that the IDF's conduct is improving, but Breaking the Silence does not discuss this possibility. Nor does it discuss what the IDF was attempting between 2000 and 2002, namely, trying to stop terrorist acts that were maiming and killing thousands of Israelis. There is just one sentence about terrorism in this entire volume, acknowledging that "it is true that the Israeli security apparatus has had to deal with concrete threats in the past decade, including terrorist attacks on Israeli citizens."
As for The Settlers, Abrams' review of that book forms the bulk of the essay, and there's a key thesis that emerges: The future of Israel will play out over the issues of religion and secularism. The Jewish state as originally established was based on sovereign territory as a secure safe haven for any Jew anywhere in the world. Israel was to be a secular democracy with a Jewish majority. It wasn't until 1967, and the beginning of the occupation, whereby the most dramatic assertions of religious Zionism emerged. This might sound strange for those most informed by the blogosphere, but the Taub book sounds like a magisterial accomplishment. I learned a lot just from Abrams' overview. The entire work is no doubt a keeper. In any case, some of Abrams' conclusions indicate that religious Zionism --- which is only a small part of settler activity in the West Bank --- is unsustainable over the long term. Here's an interesting quote, which again, goes against what partisans normally argue:
The conflict between secular Zionism and the settler movement did not appear overnight following Israel's conquests in the 1967 war, for there was an argument that bridged the gap: security. The Israeli right viewed the settlements as critical for Israel's future. The old borders were not defensible, Israel could be attacked again from the east, and settlements on the ridges of Judea and Samaria were part of the state's new system of defense. So the religious settlers and Israeli hawks made common cause, and year after year, settlers by the tens of thousands moved to the West Bank.Anyway, I promised I wouldn't go overboard on this blog post. Read the whole thing. You'll need to, in order to understand Abrams' conclusion:
For the religious settlers, this was an exciting period, filled with spiritual and also political and psychological satisfaction. Whereas the Orthodox had largely sat out the hard work of building Zionist institutions and founding the state, Taub says, "the act of settlement was a chance to reenact the days of pioneering glory, which religious Zionists felt they had half missed."
The alliance between the religious settlers and secular Israeli hawks held for some years, but before long, the underlying contradiction began to emerge. In 1974, Gush Emunim, or "Bloc of the Faithful," was founded as the main settler organization, and its manifesto spoke of its "obligation toward the Land of Israel." To the actually existing State of Israel, there was apparently no such obligation. Three years later, in 1977, leaders of the Israeli right were forced to confront this uncomfortable fact when Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat came to Jerusalem offering peace in exchange for the Sinai. Menachem Begin, founder of the Herut Party (a predecessor of the right-wing Likud coalition), handed the Sinai back to Egypt in 1982 and in the process evacuated 2,500 Israelis from Yamit, a settlement there. It was apparent, Taub explains, that "in Begin's view the realization of the right of Jews to settle anywhere in the Land of Israel was always subordinate to a higher value: political independence, the sovereignty of the state."
A far more significant moment came in 2005, when Sharon evacuated all Israeli settlers from Gaza and also removed four tiny settlements in the West Bank. The settlers, Taub recounts, found that their adoption of the security argument as a means of reaching out to secular Israelis had backfired badly. For in the end, Sharon and his fellow hawks had come to the conclusion that keeping all the territories was a huge mistake and a danger to the Jewish state itself. As Taub writes:Even staunch secular hawks in Likud understood that extending Israel's sovereignty to the territories, as opposed to maintaining the temporary status of these regions, would spell an end to Zionism; it would force the state into a double-bind where it would have to choose between a non-Jewish democracy and a Jewish apartheid. . . . Likud under Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Ariel Sharon, despite repeated declarations that Judea, Samaria, and Gaza would remain forever a part of Israel, never considered such a possibility seriously, and so never moved to annex these territories.For both the Israeli center and the Israeli right, the failure of the Camp David talks in 2000 and the ensuing intifada taught a lesson: a negotiated settlement was unlikely. Combined with the continuing Palestinian insistence on the right of return of millions of Palestinians to Israel, an outcome that would doom Israel as a Jewish state, the seeming impossibility of a negotiated deal led Sharon to favor unilateral withdrawal. That approach, Taub says, "gradually acquired legitimacy. . . . Leaving the territories no longer looked to many like a concession to the Palestinians. It began to look like an urgent Israeli interest." The alliance between the settlers and the hawks against the Israeli left, or "the peace camp," was now at an end; the right joined the left in believing that separation from the West Bank was desirable.
In the face of this cessation of Israeli-Palestinian cooperation and peace negotiations, the issue of settlement activity will rise again in importance in many capitals, especially in Washington. In an odd way, current U.S. officials have now adopted the mirror image of the religious settlers' obsession. The more extreme settlers believe that settling the land is more important than protecting the interests of the State of Israel. At the same time, according to current U.S. policy, getting them off that land -- indeed, stopping them from placing one more brick on it -- is worth badly damaging Washington's relationship with a longtime ally and putting Israel's security and reputation in jeopardy. The settlements, and the end of the settlements, are a great problem for Zionism, but they are not the obstacle to peace in the Middle East. The sooner the United States realizes that, the sounder and more constructive its Middle East policy will become.
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Pontiac Gto Wallpaper. skip to
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Max Concept Car Wallpapers
02-24 07:50 PM
So IV didn't listen...do you want truly want IV to listen? Help out...then maybe they will become better listeners lol
Now that is what i call PlainSpeak
Now that is what i call PlainSpeak
wallpaper Muscle car wallpaper to
11-23 11:26 AM
I would love to paticipate provided these two conditions are met
1) Warmer weather would get more people for the rally and numbers mean a lot when it is a rally. I would go anytime between mid April and mid September.
2) I will not join if participants are encouraged to wear those IV T-shirts. I have nothing against the IV T-shirt but formal attire goes a long way in the east coast especially when we are high skilled immigrants. Atleast a neat office wear should be the dress code.
If these two conditions are satisfied I am in for the rally and the lobby day.
PS: I am not trying to be picky but trying see this rally sends a strong message to the lawmakers and the citizens.
There are no Conditions, if you have these terms, you can sit home and watch IV representing our rights. We don't need whiners in this battle,
IV is about Unity and Fighting for the EB community. cold or not cold, there are members whoa re bringing their small children in the cold, they didn't ask for this, but their is a greater cause they want to fight for.
So, ones who have question, stay home and watch IV win, but I assure you, we will win for the ones who stuck by us.
1) Warmer weather would get more people for the rally and numbers mean a lot when it is a rally. I would go anytime between mid April and mid September.
2) I will not join if participants are encouraged to wear those IV T-shirts. I have nothing against the IV T-shirt but formal attire goes a long way in the east coast especially when we are high skilled immigrants. Atleast a neat office wear should be the dress code.
If these two conditions are satisfied I am in for the rally and the lobby day.
PS: I am not trying to be picky but trying see this rally sends a strong message to the lawmakers and the citizens.
There are no Conditions, if you have these terms, you can sit home and watch IV representing our rights. We don't need whiners in this battle,
IV is about Unity and Fighting for the EB community. cold or not cold, there are members whoa re bringing their small children in the cold, they didn't ask for this, but their is a greater cause they want to fight for.
So, ones who have question, stay home and watch IV win, but I assure you, we will win for the ones who stuck by us.
08-22 01:07 AM
ok, no worrying about it
2011 Muscle car wallpaper
11-22 11:08 AM
I am in too for the march rally (in India for the lobby day).
07-24 10:28 AM
I was able to access last week. But now my access is revoked. can some one look into it?
I was able to access last week. But now my access is revoked. can some one look into it?
06-13 10:06 PM
Check page 4 from the instructions for I-485.
485 Form (http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-485.pdf)
Is concurrent filing allowed under EB3
Check page 4 from the instructions for I-485.
485 Form (http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-485.pdf)
Is concurrent filing allowed under EB3

05-05 01:33 PM
How about trying for banner ads in India/China/philipines newspaper?
TimesofIndia.com, Expressindia.com are the main indian papers. I'm
pretty sure that there are 100s of local language papers in each indian
stand. The same way chinese and other country reps can do the same.
TimesofIndia.com, Expressindia.com are the main indian papers. I'm
pretty sure that there are 100s of local language papers in each indian
stand. The same way chinese and other country reps can do the same.
2010 American Muscle Car Wallpapers
09-20 12:57 PM
Can we get the Agenda/Text of what they are discussing? How can we know if they have included SKIL Bill or any part of SKIL bill in the discussions?
11-09 06:14 PM
1/09/2006: Priorities for Lameduck Congress
* Report indicates that overhauling immigration may be in the list of the Democrats priority and President Bush has also expressed his readiness and willingness to go along with the Democrats on the legislation. Immediately after the result of the election became obvious, apparently the President called into the White House the leaders of GOP to discuss the priorities for the Lameduck session.
* Taking such discussion and the President's meeting with Rep. Pelosi, future Speaker of the House and exhange views on priorities for the two parties as a positive signial, the immigration stakeholders started igniting some hope, albeit uncertain, for potential action by the Congress and are cautiously preparing for their move in support of the immigration legislation. For the report on meeting between the President Bush and Rep. Pelosi, please click here.
* Report indicates that overhauling immigration may be in the list of the Democrats priority and President Bush has also expressed his readiness and willingness to go along with the Democrats on the legislation. Immediately after the result of the election became obvious, apparently the President called into the White House the leaders of GOP to discuss the priorities for the Lameduck session.
* Taking such discussion and the President's meeting with Rep. Pelosi, future Speaker of the House and exhange views on priorities for the two parties as a positive signial, the immigration stakeholders started igniting some hope, albeit uncertain, for potential action by the Congress and are cautiously preparing for their move in support of the immigration legislation. For the report on meeting between the President Bush and Rep. Pelosi, please click here.
hair Muscle Car Wallpaper

01-16 02:39 PM
If you plan to go back after getting your GC, you can not practically keep it "active/alive" until your kids are college age. Well, I'm assuming that you have young kids or no kids just yet. Going back after citizenship is easy because you can get OCI and stay in India (without an option of purchasing agri land there). An OCI acts just like a Indian GC (if you ask me).
Re: SS - Forget about SS if you're not maintaining your GC actively. For Indian nationals (not american citizen), you have to prove your active green card status maintenance/residence address etc. when you start applying for SS. Becoming a citizen solves this puzzle.
So the bottom line is - if you want to keep the US option open for you or your kids, get a US citizenship - not sure when we will all be able to qualify for that. You can apply after 4.5years on GC. So in about 10-12years timeframe you will be able to apply. The only downside of this really Loooong wait is that by that time your roots here would have grown/become more mature here, and it would be difficult to move (kids/wife/husband not wanting to move life style changes, career options, Indian inflation etc etc.)
PS: I just wish as part of the CIR, we could get some releief such as able to apply for citizenship after 2 years on GC status OR 7-8 years from GC priority date. Not sure if this is on our (IV's) strategic agenda?
I am not sure why you think that Indian citizens would not be eligible for SS benefits without having a US citizenship ? Its my understanding that if one has worked here for 10yrs (40 credits), he is eligible for SS payments. Is there a catch there ?? :confused:
If you plan to go back after getting your GC, you can not practically keep it "active/alive" until your kids are college age. Well, I'm assuming that you have young kids or no kids just yet. Going back after citizenship is easy because you can get OCI and stay in India (without an option of purchasing agri land there). An OCI acts just like a Indian GC (if you ask me).
Re: SS - Forget about SS if you're not maintaining your GC actively. For Indian nationals (not american citizen), you have to prove your active green card status maintenance/residence address etc. when you start applying for SS. Becoming a citizen solves this puzzle.
So the bottom line is - if you want to keep the US option open for you or your kids, get a US citizenship - not sure when we will all be able to qualify for that. You can apply after 4.5years on GC. So in about 10-12years timeframe you will be able to apply. The only downside of this really Loooong wait is that by that time your roots here would have grown/become more mature here, and it would be difficult to move (kids/wife/husband not wanting to move life style changes, career options, Indian inflation etc etc.)
PS: I just wish as part of the CIR, we could get some releief such as able to apply for citizenship after 2 years on GC status OR 7-8 years from GC priority date. Not sure if this is on our (IV's) strategic agenda?
I am not sure why you think that Indian citizens would not be eligible for SS benefits without having a US citizenship ? Its my understanding that if one has worked here for 10yrs (40 credits), he is eligible for SS payments. Is there a catch there ?? :confused:
02-24 07:50 PM
So IV didn't listen...do you want truly want IV to listen? Help out...then maybe they will become better listeners lol
Now that is what i call PlainSpeak
Now that is what i call PlainSpeak
hot Muscle car
04-27 03:43 PM
You may also listen to the earlier conference call mp3 files in which the matter came up multiple times. There were some forum questioners who have 3 yr BSc + 2 yr MSc/MBA, and for all those people, it was suggested that they can't be treated as EB2 because of INS interpretation of non-4year bachlrdegree, but ofcourse each case has its own merits/demarits, but for some people they had to start afresh from the labor stage again, after 140 is denied, because of this problem. So you decide yourself as to file as EB2 or EB3.
house Pontiac Gto Wallpaper. skip to
04-21 10:50 AM
I am busy too. But I still found time to read your thread. I cannot but laugh at your ignorance. Do you really think someone posting on his website will help solve your problem without doing lobbying. You guys could not even get more than 5 people like you and could not even have the courage to have all 5 of you appear for the interview.
I highly doubt you are really facing any problem or are serious about it.
Your post in itself has its answer. "you guys could not even get more than 5 people like you". Yes and that exactly is the problem. This is a very small movment composed of around 5 people. now YOU have to answer the question, Why not more than 5 people support this movment? Is it because a lot of us consider this "not my problem?" Why should I even support this?
let us imagine that a lot of our members had responded with encouragment and support the motivation would have been greater. You cant expect 4-5 people to make a big movment. Except for Pappu very few senior members supported this very significant idea. We are fighting for children.
Watch the ilegals and see how united they are. If our members cannot support this issue do you think simple lobbying will be effective when the CIR eventually roles in? Do you have any hope that there will be any benefits for EB immigrants in the CIR? Wait and see what happens.
I highly doubt you are really facing any problem or are serious about it.
Your post in itself has its answer. "you guys could not even get more than 5 people like you". Yes and that exactly is the problem. This is a very small movment composed of around 5 people. now YOU have to answer the question, Why not more than 5 people support this movment? Is it because a lot of us consider this "not my problem?" Why should I even support this?
let us imagine that a lot of our members had responded with encouragment and support the motivation would have been greater. You cant expect 4-5 people to make a big movment. Except for Pappu very few senior members supported this very significant idea. We are fighting for children.
Watch the ilegals and see how united they are. If our members cannot support this issue do you think simple lobbying will be effective when the CIR eventually roles in? Do you have any hope that there will be any benefits for EB immigrants in the CIR? Wait and see what happens.
tattoo Muscle car
02-24 03:28 PM
First you will have to understand IV is run by volunteers who has a full time job and family to take care. More most of the IV core people are alreay GC holders and no one is getting paid for their time and effort. The only goal is to fix the back log.
We can not make everything public as there are so many vested interest and will harm our efforts. We do not have enough support, resource to declare a open war like undocumented people. So we will have to keep thing under wraps. If you want to tak part, there are various groups working on various fix. Join one those group, spend time and you will understand and appreciate what the volunteers are doing.
Quite True !!!!
See i can agree when it makes sense and i dont always disagree :D
We can not make everything public as there are so many vested interest and will harm our efforts. We do not have enough support, resource to declare a open war like undocumented people. So we will have to keep thing under wraps. If you want to tak part, there are various groups working on various fix. Join one those group, spend time and you will understand and appreciate what the volunteers are doing.
Quite True !!!!
See i can agree when it makes sense and i dont always disagree :D
pictures muscle cars wallpaper.
07-08 05:19 PM
Say if I had two accounts.
Account_1 had 10K. Account_2 had nothing.
Then I transferred 3K from account_1 to account_2 .
Should I mention both accounts on the form? and if so what should I mention in the "max account balance"? If I mention 10K on one and 3K on another, it would seem that I had 13K in total in offshore accounts, but essentially I had only 10K.
This is "max account balance" as you mentioned. No reason to confuse with net account balance.
And why the heck they need my account number. Talk about financial security !!
For the same reason why you file taxes. You should, probably, talk to CPA to get some basic facts right.
Account_1 had 10K. Account_2 had nothing.
Then I transferred 3K from account_1 to account_2 .
Should I mention both accounts on the form? and if so what should I mention in the "max account balance"? If I mention 10K on one and 3K on another, it would seem that I had 13K in total in offshore accounts, but essentially I had only 10K.
This is "max account balance" as you mentioned. No reason to confuse with net account balance.
And why the heck they need my account number. Talk about financial security !!
For the same reason why you file taxes. You should, probably, talk to CPA to get some basic facts right.
dresses American muscle cars,
05-12 07:59 PM
I'm curious, is there increase in the new IV volunteers/members enrollment?
It would be great if admin posts the total number of members.
It would be great if admin posts the total number of members.
makeup Most downloaded car wallpapers

07-01 08:38 PM
Where does it say about it ?
I knew just a page.
Please advise...
I knew just a page.
Please advise...
girlfriend muscle car wallpapers. View › VIP CAR wallpaper800
12-14 01:39 AM
A lot of the views expressed in this thread are those of people that support FAIR and numbersusa. Sad!
If you are not aware...please search an article on H1B posted in the same website and how we countered it.
If you are not aware...please search an article on H1B posted in the same website and how we countered it.
hairstyles Muscle cars cool style
06-13 08:04 PM
Don't celebrate just yet, Just like they brought PERM and pushed the dates back to 1999, i think they will now come up with the rule/amendment that you can not change jobs if until your 485 is approved.
04-29 09:40 PM
I just read this too..I am not able to digest this.
y do u only prefer to echo the -ve news..... u seem to only look for all the -ve information..... :p
y do u only prefer to echo the -ve news..... u seem to only look for all the -ve information..... :p
12-12 04:57 PM
Reforming H1b is good for H1bs only. I really wonder how a person can survive with 25000 a year in CA or NY. The employers should be forced to give prevailing wage for the employee. Atleast the employee should be paid a decent salary.
I agree with this in its entirety. Where I was employed, there was one person, whose job it was to make sure that I was paid above the prevailing wages. I am surprised that such things happen.
I agree with this in its entirety. Where I was employed, there was one person, whose job it was to make sure that I was paid above the prevailing wages. I am surprised that such things happen.
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Pontiac Gto Wallpaper. skip to
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Max Concept Car Wallpapers
02-24 07:50 PM
So IV didn't listen...do you want truly want IV to listen? Help out...then maybe they will become better listeners lol
Now that is what i call PlainSpeak
Now that is what i call PlainSpeak
wallpaper Muscle car wallpaper to
11-23 11:26 AM
I would love to paticipate provided these two conditions are met
1) Warmer weather would get more people for the rally and numbers mean a lot when it is a rally. I would go anytime between mid April and mid September.
2) I will not join if participants are encouraged to wear those IV T-shirts. I have nothing against the IV T-shirt but formal attire goes a long way in the east coast especially when we are high skilled immigrants. Atleast a neat office wear should be the dress code.
If these two conditions are satisfied I am in for the rally and the lobby day.
PS: I am not trying to be picky but trying see this rally sends a strong message to the lawmakers and the citizens.
There are no Conditions, if you have these terms, you can sit home and watch IV representing our rights. We don't need whiners in this battle,
IV is about Unity and Fighting for the EB community. cold or not cold, there are members whoa re bringing their small children in the cold, they didn't ask for this, but their is a greater cause they want to fight for.
So, ones who have question, stay home and watch IV win, but I assure you, we will win for the ones who stuck by us.
1) Warmer weather would get more people for the rally and numbers mean a lot when it is a rally. I would go anytime between mid April and mid September.
2) I will not join if participants are encouraged to wear those IV T-shirts. I have nothing against the IV T-shirt but formal attire goes a long way in the east coast especially when we are high skilled immigrants. Atleast a neat office wear should be the dress code.
If these two conditions are satisfied I am in for the rally and the lobby day.
PS: I am not trying to be picky but trying see this rally sends a strong message to the lawmakers and the citizens.
There are no Conditions, if you have these terms, you can sit home and watch IV representing our rights. We don't need whiners in this battle,
IV is about Unity and Fighting for the EB community. cold or not cold, there are members whoa re bringing their small children in the cold, they didn't ask for this, but their is a greater cause they want to fight for.
So, ones who have question, stay home and watch IV win, but I assure you, we will win for the ones who stuck by us.
08-22 01:07 AM
ok, no worrying about it
2011 Muscle car wallpaper
11-22 11:08 AM
I am in too for the march rally (in India for the lobby day).
07-24 10:28 AM
I was able to access last week. But now my access is revoked. can some one look into it?
I was able to access last week. But now my access is revoked. can some one look into it?
06-13 10:06 PM
Check page 4 from the instructions for I-485.
485 Form (http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-485.pdf)
Is concurrent filing allowed under EB3
Check page 4 from the instructions for I-485.
485 Form (http://www.uscis.gov/files/form/i-485.pdf)
Is concurrent filing allowed under EB3

05-05 01:33 PM
How about trying for banner ads in India/China/philipines newspaper?
TimesofIndia.com, Expressindia.com are the main indian papers. I'm
pretty sure that there are 100s of local language papers in each indian
stand. The same way chinese and other country reps can do the same.
TimesofIndia.com, Expressindia.com are the main indian papers. I'm
pretty sure that there are 100s of local language papers in each indian
stand. The same way chinese and other country reps can do the same.
2010 American Muscle Car Wallpapers
09-20 12:57 PM
Can we get the Agenda/Text of what they are discussing? How can we know if they have included SKIL Bill or any part of SKIL bill in the discussions?
11-09 06:14 PM
1/09/2006: Priorities for Lameduck Congress
* Report indicates that overhauling immigration may be in the list of the Democrats priority and President Bush has also expressed his readiness and willingness to go along with the Democrats on the legislation. Immediately after the result of the election became obvious, apparently the President called into the White House the leaders of GOP to discuss the priorities for the Lameduck session.
* Taking such discussion and the President's meeting with Rep. Pelosi, future Speaker of the House and exhange views on priorities for the two parties as a positive signial, the immigration stakeholders started igniting some hope, albeit uncertain, for potential action by the Congress and are cautiously preparing for their move in support of the immigration legislation. For the report on meeting between the President Bush and Rep. Pelosi, please click here.
* Report indicates that overhauling immigration may be in the list of the Democrats priority and President Bush has also expressed his readiness and willingness to go along with the Democrats on the legislation. Immediately after the result of the election became obvious, apparently the President called into the White House the leaders of GOP to discuss the priorities for the Lameduck session.
* Taking such discussion and the President's meeting with Rep. Pelosi, future Speaker of the House and exhange views on priorities for the two parties as a positive signial, the immigration stakeholders started igniting some hope, albeit uncertain, for potential action by the Congress and are cautiously preparing for their move in support of the immigration legislation. For the report on meeting between the President Bush and Rep. Pelosi, please click here.
hair Muscle Car Wallpaper

01-16 02:39 PM
If you plan to go back after getting your GC, you can not practically keep it "active/alive" until your kids are college age. Well, I'm assuming that you have young kids or no kids just yet. Going back after citizenship is easy because you can get OCI and stay in India (without an option of purchasing agri land there). An OCI acts just like a Indian GC (if you ask me).
Re: SS - Forget about SS if you're not maintaining your GC actively. For Indian nationals (not american citizen), you have to prove your active green card status maintenance/residence address etc. when you start applying for SS. Becoming a citizen solves this puzzle.
So the bottom line is - if you want to keep the US option open for you or your kids, get a US citizenship - not sure when we will all be able to qualify for that. You can apply after 4.5years on GC. So in about 10-12years timeframe you will be able to apply. The only downside of this really Loooong wait is that by that time your roots here would have grown/become more mature here, and it would be difficult to move (kids/wife/husband not wanting to move life style changes, career options, Indian inflation etc etc.)
PS: I just wish as part of the CIR, we could get some releief such as able to apply for citizenship after 2 years on GC status OR 7-8 years from GC priority date. Not sure if this is on our (IV's) strategic agenda?
I am not sure why you think that Indian citizens would not be eligible for SS benefits without having a US citizenship ? Its my understanding that if one has worked here for 10yrs (40 credits), he is eligible for SS payments. Is there a catch there ?? :confused:
If you plan to go back after getting your GC, you can not practically keep it "active/alive" until your kids are college age. Well, I'm assuming that you have young kids or no kids just yet. Going back after citizenship is easy because you can get OCI and stay in India (without an option of purchasing agri land there). An OCI acts just like a Indian GC (if you ask me).
Re: SS - Forget about SS if you're not maintaining your GC actively. For Indian nationals (not american citizen), you have to prove your active green card status maintenance/residence address etc. when you start applying for SS. Becoming a citizen solves this puzzle.
So the bottom line is - if you want to keep the US option open for you or your kids, get a US citizenship - not sure when we will all be able to qualify for that. You can apply after 4.5years on GC. So in about 10-12years timeframe you will be able to apply. The only downside of this really Loooong wait is that by that time your roots here would have grown/become more mature here, and it would be difficult to move (kids/wife/husband not wanting to move life style changes, career options, Indian inflation etc etc.)
PS: I just wish as part of the CIR, we could get some releief such as able to apply for citizenship after 2 years on GC status OR 7-8 years from GC priority date. Not sure if this is on our (IV's) strategic agenda?
I am not sure why you think that Indian citizens would not be eligible for SS benefits without having a US citizenship ? Its my understanding that if one has worked here for 10yrs (40 credits), he is eligible for SS payments. Is there a catch there ?? :confused:
02-24 07:50 PM
So IV didn't listen...do you want truly want IV to listen? Help out...then maybe they will become better listeners lol
Now that is what i call PlainSpeak
Now that is what i call PlainSpeak
hot Muscle car
04-27 03:43 PM
You may also listen to the earlier conference call mp3 files in which the matter came up multiple times. There were some forum questioners who have 3 yr BSc + 2 yr MSc/MBA, and for all those people, it was suggested that they can't be treated as EB2 because of INS interpretation of non-4year bachlrdegree, but ofcourse each case has its own merits/demarits, but for some people they had to start afresh from the labor stage again, after 140 is denied, because of this problem. So you decide yourself as to file as EB2 or EB3.
house Pontiac Gto Wallpaper. skip to
04-21 10:50 AM
I am busy too. But I still found time to read your thread. I cannot but laugh at your ignorance. Do you really think someone posting on his website will help solve your problem without doing lobbying. You guys could not even get more than 5 people like you and could not even have the courage to have all 5 of you appear for the interview.
I highly doubt you are really facing any problem or are serious about it.
Your post in itself has its answer. "you guys could not even get more than 5 people like you". Yes and that exactly is the problem. This is a very small movment composed of around 5 people. now YOU have to answer the question, Why not more than 5 people support this movment? Is it because a lot of us consider this "not my problem?" Why should I even support this?
let us imagine that a lot of our members had responded with encouragment and support the motivation would have been greater. You cant expect 4-5 people to make a big movment. Except for Pappu very few senior members supported this very significant idea. We are fighting for children.
Watch the ilegals and see how united they are. If our members cannot support this issue do you think simple lobbying will be effective when the CIR eventually roles in? Do you have any hope that there will be any benefits for EB immigrants in the CIR? Wait and see what happens.
I highly doubt you are really facing any problem or are serious about it.
Your post in itself has its answer. "you guys could not even get more than 5 people like you". Yes and that exactly is the problem. This is a very small movment composed of around 5 people. now YOU have to answer the question, Why not more than 5 people support this movment? Is it because a lot of us consider this "not my problem?" Why should I even support this?
let us imagine that a lot of our members had responded with encouragment and support the motivation would have been greater. You cant expect 4-5 people to make a big movment. Except for Pappu very few senior members supported this very significant idea. We are fighting for children.
Watch the ilegals and see how united they are. If our members cannot support this issue do you think simple lobbying will be effective when the CIR eventually roles in? Do you have any hope that there will be any benefits for EB immigrants in the CIR? Wait and see what happens.
tattoo Muscle car
02-24 03:28 PM
First you will have to understand IV is run by volunteers who has a full time job and family to take care. More most of the IV core people are alreay GC holders and no one is getting paid for their time and effort. The only goal is to fix the back log.
We can not make everything public as there are so many vested interest and will harm our efforts. We do not have enough support, resource to declare a open war like undocumented people. So we will have to keep thing under wraps. If you want to tak part, there are various groups working on various fix. Join one those group, spend time and you will understand and appreciate what the volunteers are doing.
Quite True !!!!
See i can agree when it makes sense and i dont always disagree :D
We can not make everything public as there are so many vested interest and will harm our efforts. We do not have enough support, resource to declare a open war like undocumented people. So we will have to keep thing under wraps. If you want to tak part, there are various groups working on various fix. Join one those group, spend time and you will understand and appreciate what the volunteers are doing.
Quite True !!!!
See i can agree when it makes sense and i dont always disagree :D
pictures muscle cars wallpaper.
07-08 05:19 PM
Say if I had two accounts.
Account_1 had 10K. Account_2 had nothing.
Then I transferred 3K from account_1 to account_2 .
Should I mention both accounts on the form? and if so what should I mention in the "max account balance"? If I mention 10K on one and 3K on another, it would seem that I had 13K in total in offshore accounts, but essentially I had only 10K.
This is "max account balance" as you mentioned. No reason to confuse with net account balance.
And why the heck they need my account number. Talk about financial security !!
For the same reason why you file taxes. You should, probably, talk to CPA to get some basic facts right.
Account_1 had 10K. Account_2 had nothing.
Then I transferred 3K from account_1 to account_2 .
Should I mention both accounts on the form? and if so what should I mention in the "max account balance"? If I mention 10K on one and 3K on another, it would seem that I had 13K in total in offshore accounts, but essentially I had only 10K.
This is "max account balance" as you mentioned. No reason to confuse with net account balance.
And why the heck they need my account number. Talk about financial security !!
For the same reason why you file taxes. You should, probably, talk to CPA to get some basic facts right.
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05-12 07:59 PM
I'm curious, is there increase in the new IV volunteers/members enrollment?
It would be great if admin posts the total number of members.
It would be great if admin posts the total number of members.
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07-01 08:38 PM
Where does it say about it ?
I knew just a page.
Please advise...
I knew just a page.
Please advise...
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12-14 01:39 AM
A lot of the views expressed in this thread are those of people that support FAIR and numbersusa. Sad!
If you are not aware...please search an article on H1B posted in the same website and how we countered it.
If you are not aware...please search an article on H1B posted in the same website and how we countered it.
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06-13 08:04 PM
Don't celebrate just yet, Just like they brought PERM and pushed the dates back to 1999, i think they will now come up with the rule/amendment that you can not change jobs if until your 485 is approved.
04-29 09:40 PM
I just read this too..I am not able to digest this.
y do u only prefer to echo the -ve news..... u seem to only look for all the -ve information..... :p
y do u only prefer to echo the -ve news..... u seem to only look for all the -ve information..... :p
12-12 04:57 PM
Reforming H1b is good for H1bs only. I really wonder how a person can survive with 25000 a year in CA or NY. The employers should be forced to give prevailing wage for the employee. Atleast the employee should be paid a decent salary.
I agree with this in its entirety. Where I was employed, there was one person, whose job it was to make sure that I was paid above the prevailing wages. I am surprised that such things happen.
I agree with this in its entirety. Where I was employed, there was one person, whose job it was to make sure that I was paid above the prevailing wages. I am surprised that such things happen.
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