Monday, July 11, 2011

'Isn't it funny the way lefties are, at bottom, puritanical about sex?'

That's Ann Althouse. I mentioned I'd come back to that quote earlier, but you know, actually, it's not so funny sometimes, progressive puritanism, especially when it devolves into crusades of destruction against ideological enemies. Althouse immediately reminded me of Scott Eric Kaufman, who readers will recall launched a lecherous campaign of allegations at my college workplace, libeling me as a sexual offender with statements that by his own words were completely without foundation in evidence. But just to hurl such demonic claims into the maelstrom of academic identity politics --- against conservative foes especially --- practically guarantees traction. I'm still not quite ready to go into details, but sometime later I'll publish the written record of Scott Eric Kaufman's malicious attacks. Progressives are awful people, truly horrific imitations of humanity. And I was surprised that SEK would admit so much in an update to his blog:
I'm not the best at being human — by all conventional standards, I'm an abject failure — but I always could find a place with words, and that place has been, for most of my life, online.
SEK lost a friend, and to that, well, "any man's death diminishes me ...", but I'm not grieving for the prick. He's an asshole who deserves the ridicule and contumely, and I see that Serr8dt's beaten me to the comment thread, administering some long overdue punishment. And honestly, I didn't hesitate for a second in following up in support:
'You honestly believe this is an appropriate post to make that kind of comment on?'

Oh, quit your bitching, Scott. Everyone knows you're an asshole and you're just opening up the target range here for your enemies. And frankly, I don't believe you ... this post is insincere puff and inglorious piddle, although you got this right: 'I'm not the best at being human—by all conventional standards, I'm an abject failure...'
I would normally hesitate to kick a man while he's down, but SEK owes me both a formal apology and witten retraction. I'm not holding my breath. It's a bitch out there sometimes, but you reap what you sow. And pathetic mewling isn't necessarily going to engender sympathy. In the end, good triumphs over evil, I believe, and SEK's an epic loser. Let's see if this moment of retrospection has any effect. Perhaps out of pain Scott can find the light and do the right thing.

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