Woman strips naked in men's room at Sarasota bar
SARASOTA, Fla. - Investigators say a woman was arrested after stripping naked at a Sarasota bar. According to the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office, 34-year-old Traci Batcher was at the Thirsty Turtle when she went into the men's restroom and took off all her clothes. She then tried to walk back into the main bar area when the manager stopped her and told her to put her clothes back on. When she refused, the manager called 9-1-1. A responding deputy found Batcher locked in the men's room. When the manager unlocked the door, she came out topless. WWSB reports she told the deputy, "You don't understand, I have been married since I was 13 years old and have been married for 16 years." Batcher was arrested and charged with indecent exposure and disorderly conduct.
Pretty harmless story, right? But there are some interesting details here that caught my eye. First of all, love the name of the bar - "Thirsty Turtle." Just a great name. But secondly, what is Traci talking about how she was married at 13? I know it's Florida, but are girls allowed to get married at 13? This needs to be checked out a little further. And finally, why aren't I ever in a bar where chicks are walking around naked? And I don't mean a strip joint, I mean just a regular bar. Gotta go - heading down to the nearest Thirsty Turtle I can find...
PS - What's that shit on Traci's chin?
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